
Tuesday 26 August 2014

Nigerian People, History And Culture

Famous for her huge population of more than 150 million and with more than 370 ethnics groups, Nigeria has the highest population in African continent. The country is made up of three major ethnic groups namely: the Hausa-Fulani, the Yorubas and the Igbos – and they represent around 70 per cent of the population. Another 10 per cent comprises of several other groups numbering more than 1 million members each, including the Kanuri, Tiv, and Ibibio. More than 300 smaller ethnic groups account for the remaining 20 per cent of the population.

The Hausas / Fulanis
Hausa Fulani People

The Hausa and Fulani people are located mostly in northern part of Nigeria. With a population of over 30 million, they have the largest population in West Africa because of their intermarriages and constant interaction with different peoples.
The Igbos

Igboland is the home of the Igbo people and it covers most of the south-eastern Nigeria. This area is divided by the Niger River into two unequal sections – the eastern region and the midwestern region. The river, however, has not acted as a barrier to cultural unity; rather it has provided an easy means of communication.

The Yorubas
Yoruba people and culture

Yoruba people live mostly in Southwestern Nigeria. They have developed a variety of different artistic forms including pottery, weaving, beadwork, metalwork, and mask making. Most artwork is made to honour the gods and ancestors and since there are more than 401 known gods to the Yoruba there is much sculpture and artwork made.

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